A Letter From a Solar Installer to Their Client
You've already taken a significant step towards a sustainable future by installing solar panels on your home. Solar panels generate electricity during the day, but they depend on sunlight to produce energy. When the sun goes down, your home would be left without power unless there is a way to store excess energy for later use. This is where solar storage comes in.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner,


As a solar installation professional, I understand that you may have concerns about whether investing in battery storage is the right choice for your home. To help you make an informed decision, I'd like to provide you with some insights into how solar storage can benefit you during power outages, as well as the drawbacks of not having one.


Understanding Solar Storage and Its Importance


You've already taken a significant step towards a sustainable future by installing solar panels on your home. Solar panels generate electricity during the day, but they depend on sunlight to produce energy. When the sun goes down, your home would be left without power unless there is a way to store excess energy for later use. This is where solar storage comes in.


By investing in a solar storage system, you can save the excess solar-generated energy for times when the sun isn’t shining, such as during an outage or at night. This ensures that you have access to stored power, keeping essential appliances running even when the grid is down. However, without the proper installation and setup of a storage system, homes with solar panels may still be left without power during an outage.


How Solar Storage Can Benefit You During Power Outages


Solar storage provides several advantages during power outages:


  1. Reliable backup power: With solar storage, your home can continue to run even when the grid is down. You won’t have to worry about food spoiling or being left in the dark during a storm.
  2. Energy bill savings: Storing excess energy generated by your solar panels during peak hours and using it when demand is high (and prices are higher) can reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your energy bills.
  3. Environmental benefits: Investing in solar storage contributes to a more sustainable future by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and embracing clean energy solutions like solar power and storage.

Considering the Drawbacks of Not Having Solar Storage


Not having a solar storage system can leave you vulnerable to the unpredictability of power outages. Without a proper storage system, excess energy generated by your solar panels during peak hours goes to waste, and you're left with no choice but to rely on traditional sources of power such as the grid. This is not only inefficient but also costly in the long run.


Making the Right Choice for Your Home


As a solar installation professional, my goal is to help you maximize the effectiveness of your solar panels while providing security and peace of mind. Investing in a reliable and efficient solar storage system should be part of any homeowner’s plan for ensuring uninterrupted access to electricity all year round.


Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have. I'd be more than happy to assist you in choosing the best solar storage solution for your home.




Solar Installation Professional

Article reviewed by: Glenn Jakins (CEO Humless)